


by Patricia Benstein -
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Dear ILS 2 Students

I am writing to you with the intention to make this online course as interesting as a face-to-face course would be. The current situation requires us to teach remotely and I believe that once we have mastered these challenges, we will see them as enrichments.

Our topic is effective communication. In contrast to a course that concentrates on writing, we might learn together new ways of communicating and collaborating while practising social distancing. 

To begin with, I would like you to purchase the reader at 'Script und Kopie'. It is important that we support small businesses and I will be extensively referring to the reader during the sessions I record. 

Secondly, I want to encourage you to be very engaged with the materials. I am confident that we can master this challenge and still have fun. In a way, the course is more relevant than ever because this is a wonderful opportunity for all of us to learn new communication skills and strategies. In the near future, we will appreciate being able to communicate in face-to-face stituations again and those that have mastered new skills will benefit greatly.

To conclude, let me express my gratitude to you. Like me, you are ready to embark on this journey together. I appreciate your openness, curiosity, and participation.

With best wishes for our success,
