
Module content

  • Analyse the variety of approaches and concepts within decolonial feminisms and discuss prominent concepts such as intersectionality, coloniality, necropolitics and others.
  • Situate the so-called ‘refugee crisis’ and analyze it from a decolonial-feminist standpoint.
  • Participate in a tour that addresses historical and contemporary references to the colonial on a local scale for stimulating a debate about the history of colonialism and its ongoing consequences in the urban landscape
  • Learn about Critical Theory and the legacy of the Frankfurt School and critically engage with it from a feminist and decolonial framework; get to know an initiative at the Goethe University that aims to decolonize the curriculum and embed feminist perspectives.
  • Discuss transnational feminist movements and organizations and learn about different geographical contexts that shape the ‘politics of location’
  • Investigate the entanglement between politics and religion
The political debate about the restitution of objects removed from the colonies and exhibited in European museums is in full swing. Decolonizing knowledges, cultures and policies, socialities and practices, decolonising power relations in general are an urgent concern of global justice. Feminisms around the world emphasize that these are crucial political and epistemic questions. A critical reflection upon processes of ‘othering’ and disappropriation seeks to understand how coloniality is embedded in political and social structures and how experiences and perceptions of modernity are shaped by colonial heredities. Raising awareness for exclusionary practices includes self-reflection within emancipatory movements. Bearing this in mind decolonial feminist theory analyses unequal, intersecting power relations and brings forward solidarities and policies to overcome these inequalities.

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