Journeying , roaming, drifting… from medieval knights in search of adventure to today’s tourists and refugees wandering across the globe... Their narratives that interrogate characters who stand outside their comfort zones hold a special place in our souls for any number of reasons. Their reach for the Romantic Sublime is as appealing to us as is their readiness to cling to or let go of their own cultural attributes in encountering the Other. Travel narratives thereby lead us to enhance our understanding of our own vulnerability and susceptibility in alien territories, and our resilience in the unknown.
Through the study of contemporary literatures in Australia, this unit will focus on the migrant, diasporic, refugee and global traveller whose outer and inner wanderings investigate the rifts between peoples, places, cultures, and ways of seeing, knowing and being in the world.  The emphasis will be on writing that confronts preoccupations with contemporary debates regarding difference, marginality, liminality and hybridity within transcultural and ‘transnation’ contexts.