For three decades, queer theory has examined the power of gender and sexual norms - and how they are challenged. It explores, in other words, the complex interconnections of sexuality, gender, racism, class and nation. Not least, the potential of the concept lies in its own queerness – it resists easy and rash definition, it is definitionally indeterminate, it is elastic and contradictory. Queerness, therefore, “can never define an identity; it can only disturb one” (Edelmam 2004: 17). This seminar aims at introducing students to this theoretical field. We will critically assess its genealogy by reading foundational texts by Michel Foucault, Judith Butler, Jack Halberstam, Lee Edelman, and Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick. Furthermore, we will discuss more recent developments of queer theory and its deployment in related fields such as disability studies.
Suggestions from students are welcome. If there are any texts you would like to discuss, do not hesitate to get in touch.
For an introductory overview of critical theory, see Lois Tyson, Critical Theory Today. A User-Friendly Guide. London and New York: Routledge, 2015.
Prior knowledge is not required, students who wish to participate in this seminar should be interested in reading and discussing theoretical and at times difficult texts on a weekly basis. Active participation is mandatory! Texts will be provided prior to the start of the term.
Please register via email: jo.schlegel@uni-wuerzburg.de before 1 April. Please indicate which course you are applying for (in the email’s subject line) and give your details: name, programme, semester, module.
- Trainer/in: Johannes Schlegel