Highlighting, comments or notes on Ch 7, 8 and conclusions AND short question
This week we will finish the book: chapters 7 (Material Politics) and 8 (Economy and the archive) and Conclusions.
As an assigned activity, send your highlights, notes or comments. And additionally write a short answer to the following question: how did the book Material Politics help you with your own thesis? This question is intended to elicit reflection on how this particular book or the experience of reading a whole book is helpful for your own process of becoming a researcher. Think that it is not necessary to have a direct connection with the book's theme to benefit from it. Its influence in your own process can range from having found an interesting concept or point of view, to think about how a text should be organized to make it appealing to the reader, or even to see options in term of methodologies.
You have until Monday to send your answers.
Have a nice reading.