Bem. zu Zeit und Ort

The course will take place online.


The course offers a general introduction to the history and scope of the study of the New Literatures in English as an academic field; an overview of the rise and demise of the British Empire; an introduction to literary and cultural theory focussing on concepts such as Commonwealth Literature, cultural nationalism, Third World Literature, diaspora, postcolonialism and transculturality; a survey of comparative methodology in English Studies; and introductory profiles on Black and Asian British literature and of literary, cultural and historical developments in West, East and Southern Africa, the Caribbean, South Asia, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Region.


Please refer to the course reader.


Lehramt: This Introduction is one of the obligatory ”Kulturwissenschaftliche Einführungen” (L3/L2/L5: FW 1.3). 

Bachelor: This Introduction is the introduction to the Module „Grundlagen der Neuen Englischsprachigen Literaturen und Kulturen” (ES Modul 2.2); it is obligatory if you choose this module. Of course all other students interested in anglophone cultures and the New Literatures in English are welcome. The seminar will be accompanied by a tutorial designed to give participants a chance to recapitulate the issues covered in the seminar sessions and to discuss additional texts.


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