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Fanficforum Frankfurt
Fachbereich 10
WiSe 23/24
04.07.2023 - Paratext. Leben des Autors?
Be my Time Bomb Lover (Nur die Author's Notes insg...
Be my Time Bomb Lover (Nur die Author's Notes insgesamt, vor allem Author's Notes Kap. 22)
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Be my Time Bomb Lover (Nur die Author's Notes insgesamt, vor allem Author's Notes Kap. 22)
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◄ Michel Foucault: Was ist ein Autor?
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Potential Triggers
Rehberg, Peter, und Brigitte Weingart. Celebrity Cultures. Einleitung in den Schwerpunkt
Glitterball von herecomessatvrn (BTS-Fanfic)
Birgit Haupt: Zur Analyse des Raums
"Das ist echt nett von dir" von stabatmater
Reasons to Hate Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter fanfic)
Neville, Lucy. Girls Who Like Boys Who Like Boys.(excerpt)
Caruth: The Wound and the Voice
Flinch von strayfromlight
A Store of Happiness (coyotesuspect)
Familie - End Notes
Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky. Paranoid Reading and Reparative Reading, or, You're So Paranoid, You Probably Think This Essay Is About You.
Best Mates by picascribit (HP & the Cursed Child fanfic)
Reparative Reading - End Notes
Final Fantasy Fanfic
Touch - Lesetoilesfous (Vox Machina)
Weeks, J., Heaphy, B. and Donovan, C. (2001), Same Sex Intimacies: Families of Choice and Other Life Experiments. Chapter 1.
this dark world aches for a splash of the sun by linil (Harry Potter fanfic)
Xiao. "We are snowflakes": Minor transnationalism and the cultural resilience of slash fanfiction community in China
Starre: Bildung, Ökonomie, Nation und Identität als Kanonisierungsfaktoren
Worthington, Marjorie: The Story of Me
Ahmed, Sara. "Happy Objects"
Ahmed, Sara. "Introduction" (The Cultural Politics of Emotion)
Ahmed, Sara. The Cultural Politics of Emotion.
His Dark Red Heart (Batman-Fanfic)
Samutina, Natalia. Fan fiction as world-building
Ausschnitte aus den Primärtexten
Crossover - Results
Ashley Hedrick. One Direction real person fiction on A textual analysis of sexual consent (cw: Besprechung von sexualisierter Gewalt)
When Night Comes (BTS fanfic)
Pande, Rukmini. "Introduction." Squee From the Margins.
Ligoya. Accelerator Junior Getting Thrown Around in Gensokyo (Touhou Project Fanfic)
Spengler. Literary Spinoffs. Auszug aus Kapitel 1.
Pulling My Weight (Naruto Fanfic)
Intertextualität. Eine Einführung.
Themen für Sitzungen
Hutcheon - A Theory of Adaptation
Ergebnisse Adaptionstheorie
Villa: Natürlich Queer (S. 161-167)
Villa: Intelligible Geschlechter
Butler: Unbehagen der Geschlechter
Butler: Gender Trouble
Touch of Grey (BTS-Fanfic)
Ergebnisse Geschlecht
Fathalla_Reading Real Person Fiction
Einhunderteinundsechszig (Schoethe-Fanfic)
In Tinte geschrieben (Schoethe-Fanfic)
In Tinte geschrieben (YouTube-Adaption der Fic)
Weimar, 10. Mai 1806 (Schoethe-Fanfic)
Ergebnisse RPF
Salmose ed Contemporary Nostalgia
Boym The Future of Nostalgia (2002)
Should Old Acquaintance Be Forgot (A Batman fanfiction)
Paperback Writer (Batman-Fanfic)
Michel Foucault: Was ist ein Autor?
MA Anglistik Cultural Memory in Marauders Fanfic
HA Anglistik Queer Desire in Mrs Dalloway Fanfiction
Journal of Transformative Works
la petite mort (Barbie/Dracula-Fanfic)
waiting for the barbarians (Barbie/Oppenheimer-Fanfic)
MA Anglistik Cultural Memory in Marauders Fanfic ►