Weekly outline
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Please upload the link to your 3MT here. Keep in mind that platforms that expire within 7 days won't work for me. I have too many students to assess so I need at least three weeks. The best would be if you could record yourself and upload your video on Youtube, which can be kept private. Once I have assessed the speech, you could remove the video.
Dear Students
In case you don't feel comfortable about uploading your video on YouTube, please check out Mediasite as an alternative. I want to thank one of my students for bringing this option to my attention.
All the best, Patricia
Passcode: mK3#gvv@
My dear ILS 3 students
This week you are going to look at academic speeches presented by the members of another Zoom Buddy group. I would appreciate it if you could discuss the questions in the attached document and write a short paragraph to summarise your feedback. Always highlight the positive points. Watching other students' 3MTs will not only help you to learn more about interesting topics, but you will also benefit from their presentation styles. Send your feedback to the students who forwarded their 3MTs to you.
I am aware that you are exposing yourselves to a group of strangers. However, when we give a presentation, we always face strangers and often worry about their judgments. Rest assured that only I will give you a mark for your speech. But many eyes see more than I might see. Therefore, it is in your interest to get and give feedback to your classmates. Trust me. You will learn a lot. And the aim of this exercise is to increase everybody's confidence. So be positive, constructive and kind when you give feedback.
Sending you best wishes, Patricia
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Please upload the link to your group oral presentation here by 6 February.
Thank you. Patricia
My dear ILS 3 students
I would be very grateful if you could give me some feedback about this course. Obviously, you don't have to do this. But I will read each comment very carefully.
As far as I am concerned, it has given me great energy to teach you. I hope you feel that you learnt something new about the multi-layered skills involved in effective communication. I have also learnt a lot from you!! So, thank you for your enlightening speeches and oral presentations.
Meeting on Zoom is not the same as being in one room together. There is something magical about human contact. We've all had to adjust to the current limitations. Online teaching is also a lot more work than face-to-face teaching. However, I feel we've all tried to do the very best we could. In strange times like these, when nothing is perfect, we need to appreciate everyone's efforts and intentions to do the best they can.
Personally, I have enjoyed my time with you. Keep well, everyone. Stay healthy. Look after yourselves and each other. All the best, Patricia